Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Change your brain, change your life!


Today I was talking with a friend, and she said that she didn't think she would ever lose weight. She admitted to me that she is an emotional binge eater. Nothing has helped her in the past, and she is extremely depressed about it. My question to her was - What woman hasn't struggled with an "eating disorder" sometime in her life?

If you ever binged after a stressful event or starved yourself to fit into an outfit or wedding dress - you have an unhealthy relationship with food. Being fit and healthy is a lifestyle choice. Thank goodness weight loss and good health are side effects of your decision to take care of your body by making healthy choices. I struggled with weight issues all my adult life, that's why it was so important for me to set a good example for my daughters. I worked so hard to make sure they didn't become overweight. They didn't know it, but I was fighting for their life. My grandmother was one of 17 children who grew up during the depression. She was a very important part of my formative years, and we would always hear about the starving children who didn't have enough to eat. We were expected to clean our plates at every meal, and I did. I remember my younger sister sitting at the table pushing her food around the dinner plate with a fork, because she wasn't going to be excused unless she at all her food. I understand and appreciate my grandmother's love and intentions,but little did she know that we were not starving. We didn't need to eat everything on our plates. Listening to those "food messages" were the  beginning of an unhealthy relationship with food. I love my grandmother, and I wanted her to know that I appreciated her love and care. I ate all of my food, but my younger sister did not. By the time I was 10 years old I was "pleasingly pump," but my sister remains thin to this very day. As a child, I never learned to recognize the signal your body gives when you are full. As an adult, it was very difficult for me to even know the difference between eating to live and living to eat. This year I decided to change my brain to accept my commitment to change my life.

It is so important to teach children when they are young to respect their bodies by eating healthy foods, portion control, and exercising every day. Healthy children become healthy adults. Conversely, unhealthy children become unhealthy adults. But guess what? Your brain is the most resilient organ you have in your body. If you treat it right (no matter what happened in the past), it will treat you right. It's never to late to make a change. Taking the first step to commit to a healthy lifestyle is easier than you think. One step at a time. One day at a time. One meal at a time. One pound at a time. That's what I told myself when I had enough back in January. It took me 3 months to lose 50 pounds. I never thought I could do it, but I'm so glad that I did. My life is so much better because for the first time in my life, I realized that I am worthy of putting my needs and health first. I can help others, because I was able to help myself. Forget about the past, and focus on your future. Remember that your "behaviors" can be changed. You can retrain your brain to do anything, all you have to do is - do it over and over again. If you don't believe me, just think of a time that you have to learn something new on your job or at home. What did you do? step 1: You read the instructions. step 2: You implemented the instructions. Step 3: You achieved the results. Depending on whether or not you mastered your task - you either went back to step 1 or step 2 until you reached the desired result -step 3. Repetition is the key. Be determined to reach your goals, no matter how many times you have to start over. There is no shame in trying. My grandmother also taught me to be courageous. She would tell me, "you can do anything! Just put your mind to it, and it will be done." My favorite quote is "inch by inch anything is a cinch, yard by yard it will always be hard." Take care to make a plan. Initiate your steps, and you will reach your goal.

Step out of your comfort zone, and walk in faith. Change is a necessary part of life. Don't be afraid of change. You will always be the same person, just smarter, healthier, and stronger - because you took control over your body and mind. Ask for help, surround yourself with others for support, and get busy - there is not time like to present to start over. Press that delete button in your mind.Now your food issues are a thing of your past, Never to be seen again. You can make the choice to be healthy. Being fit should be your goal. Taking care of yourself should be your goal. Getting on the Visalus "Body by Vi" program will help you achieve those goals, and you'll see that your relationship with food will improve. You can do it!!! Here are a few tips that helped me on my healthy lifestyle journey. Get ready to press that print button. Change your brain, and change your life!

1. Take control of your body. Look in the mirror every morning and say out loud, "I promise to take care of you today and everyday." Repeat as many times as necessary until you believe it.

2. Make a plan. Set realistic goals. Write down your goals on an index card, and place it under your pillow. "I will lose 2 pounds a week by eating healthier foods and exercising Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday." Read the card every night.

3. Tell everyone you know that you are making a lifestyle change, and you need them to support you by respecting your choices and decisions. "I am (training for a 5K), so I am making healthier food choices to lose weight/become stronger/ get fit." This will help to keep you "honest," and keep your family and friends at bay about your new lifestyle.

4. Find a partner. My husband and I are doing the Body by Vi 90 day Challenge together, and we couldn't be happier. We are both drinking 2 shakes a day, working out at the gym, and making better food choices. The family that works out together, stays together. Plus it makes it fun to compare favorite recipes, new workout plans, and weight loss updates. To find out more about The Challenge check out my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DelanaS90dayChallenge

5. Eat dinner together at the table with every member in your house. Bring back the family dinner. Set the table with the good China and silverware. Light a candle and take turns saying what you are most thankful for on that day. Serve a well balanced meal of meat, carbs, and veggies in colorful bowls (ones that children can manage. Help them scoop right sized portions on their plate.) Drink water or milk (set the example for the children). Turn off the TV. We do this every night in our house. It helps you stay connected with your children, and it sets the stage for healthier eating for all. We also have family game on Wednesday - Wii tournaments, board games, computer games - and it's lots of fun.

6. Chart your progress. Take a picture of your "before" self. Weigh your self everyday, and write down the date and weight. Take another picture of yourself every month on the same date. Keep a photo album. I found that it was so hard for me to notice when I was losing weight, but when I actually saw the pictures it was so apparent.

This was me last August 2011. 

This is me September 2012. 50 pounds GONE!

7. For every 10 pounds you lose, treat yourself to something special. I would get a special spa pedicure, purchase a new workout outfit, get a massage at the gym, buy pretty lingerie, or get a new music for my iPod.

8. Meditate. Visualize your new body. Visualize you enjoying healthier foods. Visualize you exercising. Visualize you happy enjoying your new life. I take 5 minutes before my feet hit the floor in the morning to meditate. First I start with very controlled breathing in, breathing out. Then I look out the window because I have a nice view of the trees outside, and I say, "I am beautiful. I am me. I am worthy of being the best (wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, teacher) I can be. Today I will (go to the gym and work out for 1 hour). I do this because I am so in love with myself."

9. Surround yourself with happiness. Purge and release yourself of negative attitudes and people. Get a hobby or learn something new. Learn to identify when you are stressed, and how to relieve stress in a healthy way. When I get stressed I grab the dogs to talk a walk outside and breathe in the fresh air,  go to the gym, crochet, paint, curl up in the bed to read a book, call my sister, or visit my mother. Purchase plants, especially flowering plants, and place them in every room of your house. Not only will they clean the air, they will clean your brain of negative thoughts. Every time I see a plant, I smile. No I'm not crazy - plants and children always make me smile. My philosophy about this crazy life is "The more you practice how to be happy, the happier you will become." Smile and be happy!

Crochet Poncho I made for myself last December.

10. Join the 90 day challenge. It will change your life. My husband and I couldn't be more happier with our decision to get healthier. Just by drinking two shakes a day, we are getting our daily nutrients without having to weigh food or chop veggies. We are losing weight. We are feeling great. We are making money. We have more energy, and most importantly we can't keep our hands off one another. Visalus has helped us bring our sexy back!

This is real talk. I am sure that you can be your best right now. Today I am challenging you to get out of comfort zone, break out of the box of conformity, and go wild with me this month. My goal is to lose 30 pounds, and run a 5k in November. What is your goal? For more information about joining the 90 Day Challenge, please visit my website: www.delanasmith.myvi.net

Follow me on twitter @LivingMindfully.com and visit my other blog "LivingMindfully2day."

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